continue studying ? not now

To be honest I don’t think that it would take a post-graduate or continue studying in the near future, the pace of university has left me worn out especially when I am in my fifth year in the university, however I think that in a distant future I would like to continuing my studies on many other subjects that interest me, and maybe take a graduate. I think that the principal reason to continue studies beyond the undergraduate would be to delve into thematic and problematic that I feel that they are important and urgent. I've realized that that many of these thematics have not been very studied in Chile, and the information about that is very low.

Among these themes that I consider interesting and important, are the raised by globalization, the cultural studies, problematics around identity and especially, the situation of coloniality persistent in America. It is for this reason that if I would have the opportunity to continue my studies, I think that prefer travel outside of Chile, because in Chile I can’t  find the information and knowledge that I want. Mexico, Brazil, Argentina are the countries that I would like to go to be able to learn and continuing my studies, and not only in terms of academia, I feel that the most valuable thing to be able to go to study outside of your country is to get to know other persons, other experiences.

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