Persepolis !

Persepolis is a movie released in 2007 based on a novel of Marjane Satrapi, it has a black and white animation that tells the history of Marji. Marji is a child born in Iran, into a middle class family with left ideals who precisely lives the overthrow process of the Shah’s regime and the establishment of the republic and islamic regime. This will cause an enormous pressure into the family who are facing an even more fundamentalist and repressive state. In addition to this situation, the family is facing the beginning of the Irak-Iran war, this will provoque that Marji’s parents decide to send her to live in Europe so she can be save and have a better life.

The movie through Marji’s story is able to show the complexity of the conflict zones refugee/immigrants situation, who have to deal with a society that they are not familiar with and, at the same time they find interesting and want to settle in. However, constantly it will be show the impossibility one of them, that is because of they way Marji was raise, the values of her family and because the people in Europe treat her different.

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I thing that most appreciate about this movie is that it shows how hard is forced immigration due to wars or instabilities of the country of origin, leaving a wound that will follow them even they come back to their countries or not, no longer feeling comfortable anywhere. A phrase that i would like to highlight of this film is one that is display near the end, when Marji was return to Iran but she needed to go to France again, but now to not come back and see her family anymore, she thinks: “The freedom always have a price” .


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