Actually I know the importance to learn english is to have a good formation in the university, and it is crucial to have a good job in the future, but if I remember my english classes in my school, I am sure that I had a very bad english formation, me and all of my classmates, actually this week I talked with a friend who studied with me in the school (in Iquique) and she thinks the same. I think that my mi english level hasn’t been improved in university, but however the blogs have been a positive thing, in the blogs I can write about different topics, write about things that are important for me, and use english in more things that only understand songs or movies "gringas"

Resultado de imagen para colonialida del saber

The things that I do not like about the english classes (in general) are the topics, we always talk about travels, airports, TV,  business, and other things that are not linked with my reality or  things that I want to talk about, is for this reason that I liked write in blogs especially when we wrote about free topics. In the future I will continue learning english, because many information and papers about interesting topics for me, are only in english,  many information about native american society is only in english, and that it is something that makes me angry, but unfortunately I want to learn about those things and the only possibility to do it is knowing english.


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