Chilean Music in Quillota

Actually in my life I haven't attended a lot of concerts, just go a few number of concert, if I start to remember I think I've attended just 4 concerts a long of my life. Even those few concerts that I attended have were in very distant years. I think this is because I've never been very fanatical about specific bands or a particular style of music, I don't listen to music very often.

However, Ithink that the best concert I attended, was one held in 2012 in Quillota, was a festival of Chilean music organized by “Fundación Victor Jara” and that brought together many Chilean artists, most were the most recognized bands of “Nueva Cancion Chilena” Santiago del nuevo Extremo, Intillimani, Manuel Garcia, Sol y Lluvia. I wasn't a big fan of that musical style, I liked it, but the reason why I think that  it was the best concert that I went and I enjoyed was for the  atmosphere, there was no pushing or screaming, we were people who were even seated to listen to the concert, it was in the Quillota’s stadium, so the place was big and with grass. It was sitting down to listen to the concert, people with their children, with blankets on the floor, a fairly hippie atmosphere but still enjoyed, it was during the 2 hours that I remember the concert lasted, and ended with a few words from the organizers, remembering the figure of Victor and his commitment as an artist. and finally a “cacharpaya”



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