is not a state problem, the problem is the chielan state

If we talk of the Catrillanca’s case is important to understand that this case is not isolated case, occurs in a context of territory occupation by the Chilean  State and a many forestall companies in the mapuche’s territory, and the struggle that have many mapuche communities for defends their territory. Camilo Catrillanca was a community member of Temucuicui that was killed on 14 November by member of GOPE of “Carabineros de Chile” during an operation to detain a supposed gang of car thieves where Camilo was involucred. Many things happened, but the investigation resulted in Camilo was arbitrarily killed by the police in jungle command in a irregular operation donde hubo un despliegue de ás de 200 policías entre carros blindados y helicópteros

It is important to know that Camilo Catrillanca joins a long list of Mapuche leaders and community members who have been killed during the "democracy" in the hands of the police as well disappearances and even "suicides", It’s important remember the names like Joseph Huenante, Matías Catrileo, Johnny Caniqueo, Macarena Valdés, and others. The militarization of the Wallmapu is not something new, isn’t work of this government it has been a systematic violence from the Chilean State towards the Mapuche’s comunities, in the plunder of land and also in the form of repression , today is the “Plan Araucanía”, yesterday was the "Pacificación de la Araucanía". Many seek responsibilities in the government, even raise the slogan of resignation towards the Ministry of Interior (Chadwick). However this is not a problem of a particular political sector, is  in the way that has been formed and legitimized the Chilean Nation-State, this is through denial, plunder, repression and assimilation of everything to what is opposed to this homogenizing vision of Chile. Thus the solution to this problem will not go through a legal change, or with public policies of compensation, is necessary the recognition and respect of a people who have their own history, ways of organizing and also ways of understanding the world.

Resultado de imagen para terrorismo de estado wallmapu


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