Favorite social network ?

I don't have a favorite social network, but the social network that I use most frequently is facebook, so I can say that my favorite social network would be Facebook. I use facebook very often, more than once a day when I am in the city (Santiago), but when I was in my “region?” or outside of Santiago the true is that i don’t take my cellphone, I prefer to be disconnected, I don’t revise facebook, whatsapp, instagram just the mail. 

I think the main reason why I use facebook is to inform myself, today this social network is no longer used to socialize or know about your friends, for that the people have Instragtam. When I rebrew my facebook always appear in my home the news, about what happens in the country and in the world, especially information that doesn’t appear on television, on the other hand I also find interesting and use a lot, the different pages of groups or events that are published on facebook and I am interested, there is a lot of information on this social network. It is the reason why I prefer an duse more facebook, even I have used to search for books, articles and papers on different topics. I think that the advantage of facebook is that it is a great platform for communication of information and discussion, just put inthe search engine a topic that interests you and you will find pages, events and groups where they share. Not only is it away to socialize with friends, but to know and learn, you only need to know how to search.

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