The Antropology...

In the first place, the way in which the social anthropology mesh is structured, makes the subjects disconnected from each other, each subject is completely different from the other, these are developed according to the individual criteria of the professor and not with a general perspective that establish an anthropology project in the university. In fact, there are subjects that seem more like a compilation of anecdotes of the professors, instead of being a subject that teach about anthropological theory.

This means that many of the subjects in the career are lack of a well-defined structure, the classes are often reduced to monologues and you can see the lack of preparation of classes, there are even cases when teachers do not know what content they should teach for those classes. There is too little concern for teaching in general. I think the way in which teaching is exercised in the career, is the most criticizable point. Unlike the other careers, in anthropology I think there is not an exhaustive academic load, at least in the content, but there is a high level of stress especially at the end of the year, but the reason is because  of the poor management and scheduling of  the evaluations.

Finally there is a zero social commitment within the career, there is installed a way of teaching that is focused in research but from an individual perspective. On the other hand, the positive side of studying anthropology is that you can learn about the topics that interests you, but you can easily ignore all the social importance that has the discipline. However, there are teachers who do care about their students, and have a well organized structure of the subjects so you can actually learn, besides with these kind of teachers you are able to understand the social importance of what we are studying. I appreciate those teachers very much but unfortunately they are not the majority.   


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