
Actually I know the importance to learn english is to have a good formation in the university, and it is crucial to have a good job in the future, but if I remember my english classes in my school, I am sure that I had a very bad english formation, me and all of my classmates, actually this week I talked with a friend who studied with me in the school (in Iquique) and she thinks the same. I think that my mi english level hasn’t been improved in university, but however the blogs have been a positive thing, in the blogs I can write about different topics, write about things that are important for me, and use english in more things that only understand songs or movies "gringas" The things that I do not like about the english classes (in general) are the topics, we always talk about travels, airports, TV,   business, and other things that are not linked with my reality or   things that I want to talk about, is for this reason that I liked write in blogs especiall

The Antropology...

In the first place, the way in which the social anthropology mesh is structured, makes the subjects disconnected from each other, each subject is completely different from the other, these are developed according to the individual criteria of the professor and not with a general perspective that establish an anthropology project in the university. In fact, there are subjects that seem more like a compilation of anecdotes of the professors, instead of being a subject that teach about anthropological theory. This means that many of the subjects in the career are lack of a well-defined structure, the classes are often reduced to monologues and you can see the lack of preparation of classes, there are even cases when teachers do not know what content they should teach for those classes. There is too little concern for teaching in general. I think the way in which teaching is exercised in the career, is the most criticizable point. Unlike the other careers, in anthropology I think the

Persepolis !

Persepolis is a movie released in 2007 based on a novel of Marjane Satrapi, it has a black and white animation that tells the history of Marji. Marji is a child born in Iran, into a middle class family with left ideals who precisely lives the overthrow process of the Shah’s regime and the establishment of the republic and islamic regime. This will cause an enormous pressure into the family who are facing an even more fundamentalist and repressive state. In addition to this situation, the family is facing the beginning of the Irak-Iran war, this will provoque that Marji’s parents decide to send her to live in Europe so she can be save and have a better life. The movie through Marji’s story is able to show the complexity of the conflict zones refugee/immigrants situation, who have to deal with a society that they are not familiar with and, at the same time they find interesting and want to settle in. However, constantly it will be show the impossibility one of them, that is becau

is not a state problem, the problem is the chielan state

If we talk of the Catrillanca’s case is important to understand that this case is not isolated case, occurs in a context of territory occupation by the Chilean   State and a many forestall companies in the mapuche’s territory, and the struggle that have many mapuche communities for defends their territory. Camilo Catrillanca was a community member of Temucuicui that was killed on 14 November by member of GOPE of “Carabineros de Chile” during an operation to detain a supposed gang of car thieves where Camilo was involucred. Many things happened, but the investigation resulted in Camilo was arbitrarily killed by the police in jungle command in a irregular operation donde hubo un despliegue de ás de 200 policías entre carros blindados y helicópteros It is important to know that Camilo Catrillanca joins a long list of Mapuche leaders and community members who have been killed during the "democracy" in the hands of the police as well disappearances and even "suicides&

continue studying ? not now

To be honest I don’t think that it would take a post-graduate or continue studying in the near future, the pace of university has left me worn out especially when I am in my fifth year in the university, however I think that in a distant future I would like to continuing my studies on many other subjects that interest me, and maybe take a graduate. I think that the principal reason to continue studies beyond the undergraduate would be to delve into thematic and problematic that I feel that they are important and urgent. I've realized that that many of these thematics have not been very studied in Chile, and the information about that is very low. Among these themes that I consider interesting and important, are the raised by globalization, the cultural studies, problematics around identity and especially, the situation of coloniality persistent in America. It is for this reason that if I would have the opportunity to continue my studies, I think that prefer travel outside o

looking for a job..

When I think about what I will do when I finish my career, in my mind appears a lot of insecurities and indecisions, I don't have a line or life project being or working as an anthropologist, maybe because the discipline is very ambiguous and the formation in this university is not very practical. However, I believe that one of the certainties that I have is that I wouldn’t like to work in Santiago, I would like to find a job in my region and hope be in the field work, the office work and that rhythm of work is not a option that I would like. With regard to salary, it is an important point to think about what I will do with my career, but I believe that my priorities are in the environment and the sense of my work, more than the remunerations that I would have of this, in that sense I would like to be able to contribute to solve different problems, especially what has to do with the centralization that has our countrn. I don't think that I will study a specialty in the s

Favorite social network ?

I don't have a favorite social network, but the social network that I use most frequently is facebook, so I can say that my favorite social network would be Facebook. I use facebook very often, more than once a day when I am in the city (Santiago), but when I was in my “region?” or outside of Santiago the true is that i don’t take my cellphone, I prefer to be disconnected, I don’t revise facebook, whatsapp, instagram just the mail.   I think the main reason why I use facebook is to inform myself, today this social network is no longer used to socialize or know about your friends, for that the people have Instragtam. When I rebrew my facebook always appear in my home the news, about what happens in the country and in the world, especially information that doesn’t appear on television, on the other hand I also find interesting and use a lot, the different pages of groups or events that are published on facebook and I am interested, there is a lot of information on this social